K2 Gallery (36)

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On Saturday, October 13th, 2018, Amoud College of Health Sciences – ACHS, Helds a Graduation Ceremony for Family Medicine Residency Programme, at Rays Hotel, The Ceremony was Attended by Somaliland Ministry of Health Vice Minister Mr. Nasir O. Jama, Saleban H. Hadi, Borama City Mayor, Ahmed A. Boqore, Amoud University, Vice President,AF, Dr.Sead A.Walhad, Principal of ACHS, Mr.Saed Habane, Dean of SPGSR,AU, other distinguished guests, family and friends.
At the beginning of the Ceremony Dr. Saed A. Walhad Principal of ACHS, expressed his great thanks for the graduated students and he wishes all the best for them in their journey to help the community, also he expressed his appreciation to Hope Organization on their remarkable Support for the Family Medicine Residency Programme Since it was Started in 2013.
Dr.Walhad Said" this programme helped ACHS to reach three Stages of health professionals training: Undergraduate training, postgraduate training, and Continuous professional development. and this Programme Will Allow Somaliland health provision to make a coverage of the needs of the regional and district Hospitals".
The ceremony was concluded by Awdaring Graduates their Certificates. Dr. Awale A. Ibrahim, Dr. Mohayadin H. Jama, Dr. Mubarak A. Magan, Dr. Hudayfa A. Ali, Dr. Yusuf A.Mohamed. and were also recognized for their outstanding overall academic performance.
Research and Community Services Department (RCS), Organized 2 Days workshop on Community Awareness.
Research and Community Services (RCS) Department organized 2 Days workshop for 10 women served as Community Health Workers (CHW) from their selected communities. The participants were selected from Dilla, Dareymacane, Qorgaab, Sh. Osman, Tulli, Goroyocawl, Duudweyne and Sabowanag villages.
The workshop was opined by Mr. Yusuf A. Hareed, Head of RCS department and Dr. Fadumo X. Abubakor, Dean School of Nurse and Midwifery. RCS provided these areas community health service focuses empowering and capacitating health service provisions and improving linkages between health centers and community trough home visits, to scale up community based health services for vulnerable populations at the community level. RCS also capacitates and empowering Health centers in these areas by sending professional health workers including doctors, nurses and midwifes laboratory, pharmacist, dentists and public health practitioners while providing FREE health services including health education, diagnosis and treatment through Home visit, health centers and referral to the hospitals. The aim of this workshop is to improve the collaboration between community members and professional health workers and to build trained CHWs that worked community as volunteer.
Department Research and Community Services (RCS)